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EASIE Living Accessible Demonstration Home

Visit the EASIE Living Demonstration Home to find out how to make your home work for you now and in the future.

Our demonstration home is open weekdays 9am to 5pm and is completely free to visit, with no appointment needed. Guided tours are also available.

If you're an occupational therapist, you can also use the home for assessments.

What can I see and do at the EASIE Living Demonstration Home?

Our accessible demonstration home has a kitchen, bathroom, double bedroom, and child's bedroom.

You can experience the accessible layout, with reaching spaces, turning circles and wide doorways for easy access. Try out any of the display equipment to see if it might work in your home.

  • See benches and cabinets that go up and down at the push of a button.
  • Try out a remote-controlled bed. It's got all the functions of a hospital bed without looking like one.
  • Trial transfer and lifting equipment. For example, hoisting between bed and wheelchair, or wheelchair and commode.
  • Sit in a lift-out chair or go for a spin on a mobility scooter.
  • Check out our personal alarms, to help you keep safe at home.
  • See our range of portable ramps for easy access.

Guided tours and group visits

We offer guided tours for individuals, families, community groups, disability groups, and health professionals.

Health professionals are welcome to bring in their clients when assessing options for home modifications or equipment.

To make sure the space is available, we recommend you make a booking. We can also provide tea and coffee for a small fee per person.

Contact us to book a visit

Can I buy the products I see?

We sell a large range of products in our retail store or we'll refer you to our supplier. They can give you a quote and personalise the equipment for your home.

Products sold in our EASIE Living retail centre